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Quilting multiples on the frame

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I KNOW I read this somewhere, and even savedit as a favorite, but I am not on that computer anymore (it died!) and have tried every concievable search....

I am making stockings for all members of our family that will be attending our family Christmas Dinner... I have made 10 so far and wanted to quilt them all at once with a simple meander. I read that you could put them all on the frame at once using the same backing and batting and get it done much quicker... but for the life of me I cannot remember the tip that was given...

I guess my grey hair is making me think like a 'blond' this morning and I can't even think of a way to attach them to the frame with out basting them all to the backer....

Any help would be appreciated and I promise to print out my hints...as soon as I find them all!


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I don't know who originally posted this but I do this and it is so wonderful. You can use a little bit of spray baste to add the next stocking and shouldn't have any problems at all. If you use a batting with cotton in it they will just stick. I just did this with candle mats that I made and didn't have one problem with them. They were all hexagons. It was a great way to use up all my leftover batting too. I just kept adding batting as I needed to.

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I don't know who the original author was either, but I put on a big piece of backing, then batting then "float" the pieces to be quilted on top. Spray baste works great,although, if they are small enough, you don't need anything but a pin or 2 to get started. I did 4 small wall hanging panels that were going to be Christmas gifts. Anchored each with a line of stitching at the top, then worked each one separately doing a bit different stitching on each one so that there were no 2 alike. They whole thing didn't even take a whole afternoon and I had 4 gifts. :cool:

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