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Whitework quilts x's 2 - panic!!!

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I'll have to keep in mind that they can come help snip. Bonnie you can always come up and we'll have a snipping party! Both of my children are well aware of the time and love that goes into a quilt, especially one like this. My FDIL is aware as well. They worry me more only because they have a big golden retriever who loves to get on the bed! She is a little over 1 now and claming down but still has a way to go! My FDIL made a quilt when she lived up here in NY and in fact was very good at it. I keep telling her she needs to make more. Right now work and school get in the way. Some day maybe. My daughter will take very good care of it I'm sure. If they don't they will see one cranky mom!

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Heidi! You will make two wonderful whole cloths.... I just know it... I'm wondering what's so hard about that? I know you don't have to piece them, I guess the marking will take a while, but to me the quilting part would be wonderful - you can put all your hopes and dreams into every stitch for your children... I love that part.

I had made my wedding dress for my second wedding, and used a french lace - $75/yd and yes, I cut it up too for the bodice. I beaded it with tiny pearls.... It was lovely. I actually love that kind of work too. Guess I'm in the minority...!

Even though it's gonna be lots of work, it'll be kinda like having a baby. Near the end you just can't wait til it's over! We're all with ya on this - can't wait to see the finished product!

AND Best wishes to the brides-to-be and grooms-to-be!

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Yes you are right there is no piecing and that will make it quicker. The part that makes it more time consuming is quilting it twice, once for the trapunto and then the final quilting. The only part of it that is super time consuming is the trimming of the trapunto. I love, love, love this style so it will definitely be a labor of love! I'm guessing it will take me 3 months for each one. My daughters might take me 4 months if I have lots of customer quilts to do. I get a little obsessed when I start so that will work in my favor! Lord knows what else I'll be making for the weddings but I love it all! I'm glad they want me involved.

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