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straightening canvas

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I do a partial float on my quilt tops, and have noticed that by the time I reach the bottom, or near bottom, there is a noticable upwards curve along the edge.:(

Today, I have run a series of three straight lines along my canvas, using the channel lock. I then measured the distance from the center line to the roller bar and found it was not the same distance all across the canvas. I then rolled the bar about maybe half way or more around to re-measure. This time the lines were pretty close to the same all along the canvas.:o

My question is: How do I fix this? The bar doesn't look warped or curved, but obviously there is a problem there somewhere.

I had already trimmed off the edge of canvas a couple years ago, thinking that would solve the problem. However, it did not help. By now, it is getting to be a real problem to end up with a straight bottom like the straight top I started with.:(

Any suggestions would be most helpful.

Thank you, :o

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Thank you so much for these instructions. I guess I missed them the first time around - but I was not able to do much quilting in March. I will unroll the canvas and reroll it as instructed.

We did some measuring and found the ends of the frame were not equal, so we fixed that already. The canvas will be next.

thanks again.

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