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Bella Bella Venice Rose by Norah McMeeking

Connie Kelsey

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Hi Connie and welcome!

First off--you have posted in a kind of obsure place for this question. You are in the FAQ section. A better place is to access the "Chat about anything" topic while logged on and simply click on Topic. This will allow you to post a new topic and get lots of feedback. If you are asking about ideas for quilting a top, it is best to post a photo or direct us to webshots or a website with a picture of the top. Believe me, this group if full of talent and not afraid to share it!!

Now, if I haven't scared you off (sorry-just trying to help:):):)) I Googled this top and was sent to Norah's website. OMG--if you pieced that gorgeous thing, I am in awe! It is stunning! In spite of the fact that most longarmers like to "quilt it prettier"--(you know, it looks better after quilting than before) my opinion is that that particular quilt needs to be all SID. Sometimes quilting over the piecing does a dis-service to the piece. There, I said it!! Now I will be drummed out of the Longarmer's Club!!

Thanks for sharing and I hope you get some more responses.

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