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SR vs Manual: How do you know is SR is not sluggish?

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I have a Green Liberty which is new to me (I just purchased it and received about 2-3 weeks ago from APQS). I have been practicing using some of Elaine Huffman's designs for Bread and Butter Quilting. One of the designs is an alternative for SID which uses a curvy line or you can use a wishbone design. What I am finding is that in SR the machine doesn't move smoothly enough to make the small designs needed for the ditch but if I run it in manual mode at a medium speed I can make the design more "petite" and smooth. Is this true in general OR is there a problem in my SR?

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What you are experiencing is normal. When you try to do tiny stitching, the machine tries to read your "small" movements, the machine will naturally feel a little "stiffer" as the regulator senses your quick direction changes. As the quilting gets smaller, many quilters find it helpful to turn off the regulator and work in manual mode, or as Kenna suggests, increase your stitch length to around 13 or more.

Some quilters like microdrive drive handles to help with the tiny stitches; others like manual mode. Keep practicing, and try both modes to see which feels right to you.

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