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tote bag

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I wanted to teach my Mother and her red hat ladies to make tote bags for a trip they are taking. I Googled, "Free tote Bag Pattern" and got tons of hits. When I go to the sites there are all the instructions and color pictures but the word "Copyright" is at the bottom. Can I use the patterns to teach them or not?

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Dib I bet someone more informed will chime in here, but I'd think if you were not mass producing them for resale there wouldn't be a problem.

I don't think (though I could be wrong) that even if you got paid to teach them that that would infringe on the patterns copyright. I see gals at LQSs teaching classes all the time from patterns they did not create.

I'd read the copy right and see what it says specifically. And if it's not clear write the designer and ask and see if you get a response.

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Dib, is there a contact name (phone, email) you can write for permission? I think just for respect of the person who wrote the pattern, you could ask for permission to use the pattern and that you are not using it to gain profit (Which is probably why they have the copyright) and that you are merely using it to teach a free class to a handful of friends. I am more than positive believe you will get a reply that says "Yes please use the pattern and thanks for asking!" :) Usually these free patterns on the internet imply for "personal use only" and not for profit, that you will make $$ by selling her pattern.

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I agree with Shana.

If you were teaching a class and you were getting paid for it, that would be another story. We have classes at our LQS using book patterns all the time. The price of the book is included in the class fee. No freebees and no xerox copies permitted. Like Shana said, it is just showing respect to the designer.

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And, adding on to what Linda Card said, I think the copyright owner would be thrilled to get an email from Dib saying she is going to use the pattern. I think that those who publish patterns would love to see some of the quilted designs that come from their pattern. You would probably make her (the publisher's) day if you took a photo of Mom and her Red Hat Friends all holding their new tote bags and emailed it to her!!! :)

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