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NQR: Thank you

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Sometimes my days are tough at work. It is wonderful to take a five minute break, check in on the forum and being inspired by what others are working on, reading some of the chatter and being touched by the wonderful, kind, sharing hearts on this forum.

This week has been more difficult than most. Working in a local middle school in the counseling department, I see and know of what students go through. This week alone it's been rape, drug abuse, bullying - don't need to go on. You all get the picture. I'm thankful for all the regular kids who are funny, bright, enthusiastic about their education. My heart breaks for the others - there's nothing I can do but be "Mama Laura".

Thank you to all of you quilters who give so much to others with encouragement, ideas, laughter and QUILTING! You make my day so much better. :D

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Let me thank you Laura, for being Mama Laura to those kids! My youngest daughter became a teacher in public schools after being a home schooler all her life. She wanted to make a difference in those troubled lives. My prayers are with you both!

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I bet you do see a lot of things we can't even imagine. It makes me so sad to see what our some of our children go through that cause them not to be able to just enjoy being a kid. Like Bonnie said, thank you for caring for and being there for those children.

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