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border or main quilt first

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I have a quilt on now, only have 1 inch, if that, on the sides, so am not going to be able to turn this quilt. the customer wants the middle done with CL Swirls and a different border. question, should I quilt the border down first or do the middle and then come back for the borders. oh, and I get the pleasure of using the packaged batting from h---, the puffy teary stuff that looks like cotton candy. I tried to talk her out of it but she says she and her "other longarmer" have used it for years with no problems.

I just needed to whine and ask your expert advice.

thanks in advance

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thanks Beth and Jolene. That was my first thought too but figured I better check with the experts first. Do you think if I pin the beejeeses out of the sides I will hav enough backing? that is really the part that scares me. I have the material leaders like Sharon Schamber that I use on every quilt and they are quite wide so I think I will be okay there but am afraid the backing will shrink does that make sense?

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