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Penny, Lenni is sick.

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Well, we don't know why, how or when, but today when I began quilting, after warm up, checking the usual, turned on the white button, needle up down, and set the SR, turned the beeper switch and began quilting. all was fine, or seamed to, until I clicked on the green button, and nothing happened... it just kept stitching and I ended up turning the machine on /off switch to off. I was in the middle of the quilt. Fun to frog.

Turned it on tried out the white button all was well, turned it off, tried the green, fine, turned both on, needle down, SR on, stitchlength set at 11, and stitched away until I wanted to stop. It didn't stop.

Himself has dug thru the manual, finally figured out it was a problem with one of the white switch handles.. can't tell which one. He disconnected the wires to the white button handles and Penny runs fine with or without SR, any stitch length. Even stops when I use the green button.

Any one have an idea what in heck is going on?? What it can be, what to do or not do to fix it, or kill it? Naw I'd not kill Penny, but oh boy! Sometimes I get close.

RitaR & Himself

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I tried Heidi, thought I remembered them too, but no find nuttin Honey. The last time I turned it on, the light blipped, the machine turned off. Turned it on again, the light blipped and it turned off.

Amy call for sure, maybe a hospital visit.. which we can't afford.

Oh well, maybe I can get a massive pile of piecing done or hook up the Old DM now that roland knows how to adjust time timing. :D:P:P:D

I think I have about 6 calls I have to make tomorrow, and Roland gets to deal with the Amy call, they talk the same language.. I do too , when he's not close.

Anyway, have both trapunto sewn and trimmed, can DM sew on them tomorrow.

Still can't decide if I want to make them in to wall panels or throw pillow tops.

Will let you know what it is and what to do.

Hugs, Ritar

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Hi Michele, yup, I'm sure Amy or Christy or Mark or someone will be able to zero in on the problem and get me going again. Of course I have about a dozen quilts to get finished by the 24th, to clear out our coffers for the end of the year.

Some are small enough I can go back to the Viking, but most aren't.

It does sound like it is the circuit board though.. Oh well, time will tell.

Hugs, love ya both,

God Bless, Ritar and Himself.

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Well, it took Amy and Amy to solve the problem. Waiting for a board to get here... glad I have lots of bindings, piecing, borders, etc. to work on for a few days.

Thanks Amy, I appreciate you so much...

Blessed Thanksgiving to all of you, and your families, at APQS.

Ritar & Himself.

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