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thread breaking when going left

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Hi Jessica,

I struggled through the first part of a string quilt yesterday (lots of bulky seams) with Maxi Lock "Swirls" in variegated reds & blues. I kept blaming my tension and my thread choices. This is a charity quilt, so I keep Swirls on hand for that type of quilting---I had a 4.0 new needle in the machine.

Finally in frustration I changed to a big old honkin' size 5.00 needle!

Not one thread break the rest of the quilt! Kicking self!---I have did this to myself before. I don't know if this will help you---but, at this point what have you got to lose. :) Try a 4.5 needle

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Jessica, you should have "some" tension on your top thread. That might be your problem! If you don't have "any" tension on top, or it's very loose on top then that could be the issue with your thread breaking... Really.

And...How loose is your bobbin? I run my top thread (So Fine) through all three holes. Regardless of the brand thread, very rarely do I go down to using two holes (it's a last resort). I find that my top tension works best when I have it through all three. But the key (I think) is to make sure your bobbin is loose or looser. So... does your bobbin drop down smoothly and steadily? Give me some of your thoughts...

Good steady tension on top;

Looser bobbin.

Give that a try.

Have you blown out your bobbin? Cleaned and oiled?

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Yep, I have tension on the top but not very tight and not very loose either. The bobbin is very loose. When I hold it in my hand and pull the thread, it stands up but does not lift off my hand. Also, ever since I talked with you my bobbin area is super D duper sparkley clean and I blow out the case all the time. I also run through all three holes with the top thread.

I did change my needle to a 4.5 and that seems to be working. I just put a new quilt on and tried it out. I hate to think though, that I'm doomed to only use 4.5 all the time. Wouldn't the needle size be a problem on some fabrics?


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Hi Jessica,

I use 4.O and 4.5 and even 5.0 needles if I need to. I have found that so many of what I thought were tension thread breaking problems in the past are really "needle size problems" instead.

I've never had problems with batting migration or needle holes that seem to be the concern of using a larger needle to quilt with. So, i can't address your concerns about various fabrics you may need to quilt on.

I'm glad to hear the 4.5 needle is helping! :):):)

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Hi Jess, what kind of thread are you using? Have you taken a Q-tip dipped heavily in alcohol and rubbed it around between the two tension disks? Take the thread out and loosen the disks so you can easily get a q-tip in and around in there. Sometimes those discs might get residue built up; the alcohol makes it squeaky clean right there. Try running a few beads of Sewer's Aid on the spool or cone? Try a different spool of thread? Try a different brand of thread? Try running through two holes. I don' t understand why you would need to move to a 4.5 unless you are using a thick thread. Keep tweaking; keep experimenting. Don't give up. Anyway, it seems odd to me that you are having this much trouble with your thread and continued breaking.... I hope you keep trying. Something is amiss...

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