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Towa Tension gauge


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I've been battling thread issues (now it's breakage every few inches) for over a month. In desperation I have replaced hook assembly, bobbin cases, bobbins, had a repair person to the house who got the timing "just right" - still having problems. I just received the Towa tension gauge in the hopes of getting the bobbin tension "right" but was surprised that it came with no suggested tensions. I've read that so many people are thrilled with the gauge and was hoping you all could suggest some tensions to aim for.

thanks sooo much for any help - I am trying to finish out the month with a few hairs left on my head and just a bit of sanity.


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Guest Linda S

Melinda - I thought that at first too, but if you look at the side of the box the gauge came in, it tells you that pre-wound bobbins should have a 25 tension reading and metal bobbins should have a tension of 20. I'm glad I noticed before I tossed the box! :P Actually, since my memory seems to be going these days, I decided to keep the box and I put the gauge back in it each time!


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Hi Melinda,

I have one of these gauges and find that the recommended tensions that are shown are just guide lines. You don't say what type thread you are using, but for me if I'm using a cotton thread, I try the tension at 18, sew a line and check the tension. If I switch to a thin thread like Bottom Line in the bobbin, I usually have to tighten the screw in the bobbin case to get the same reading.

Try loosening the top tension about a quarter turn at a time. If you sew a line and can see the top thread is being pulled to the backing side, reduce the bobbin tension a tad. If you can see the bobbin thread on top, reduce the top tension. Hang in there. Sooner or later you will find a range where most threads work and will only have to make minor adjustments. That being said, there are other things that will cause the thread to break. The first thing I check is my thread path, watch how the thread comes off the spool (is it catching on anything), then I blow out my bobbin area, change my needle etc. Lastly, I throw out that thread and vow never to buy that kind again!;)

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Hi All,

Just so you know, APQS is (I think) one of the only places that actually puts the recommended setting on the gauges.. I have talked to several people who have ordered them other places and had no idea what to do..

Anyway, just so you know, and you can always call and ask..

It really doesn't matter so much as what kind of thread, as it does if it is metal or pre-wound.

Metal should be between 17-20 and pre-wounds 23-25 you do need a little variable in the adjustments..

Be sure to look at the pig-tail guides and make sure they don't have little grooves wore in them and also check the hook assemble for burrs.

Call if you need more help!!


APQS Service

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I have just returned from 5 fabulous days in the mountains and am feeling relaxed and ready to tackle the tension beast. I know that my bobbin case is currently set way tighter than those suggested so I will loosen it up and let you know what happens.

Thanks again - you guys are the best.


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