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Taking quilt pictures using an iPhone?

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I've posted quilt pictures using regular digital cameras and I recently got an iPhone and wanted to take and post pictures of my last T-shirt quilt that I made that is a vibrant purple, black and white. My sons school colors and it's his Christmas gift. But when I used the iPhone and looked at the screen it didn't show the beautiful purple color but actually looked royal blue. I don't know why the true colors don't show up. I asked both of my computer and iPhone savvy sons and they didn't now why the true color doesn't show up. Does anyone else who uses iPhone for pictures have this problem? I don't know if I could even get in touch with someone at Apple to ask them. Any ideas why it does this? Thanks, Kerri

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  • 2 months later...

Linda Rech? Why would you "REPORT" our Kerri M?

Never mind, it's the posting below hers. LOL!

I"m S..L...O.....W this a.m.

Kerri, I have an I phone and i've used it for pics. Yes the I Phones colors dont always look the truest, but if you give it a try girl...you'll be surprised how it does come out the color it's supposed to be!

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