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NQR - How do you travel with your sewing machine

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In the past, I have traveled to workshops but putting my small Janome in a carry-on bag and stowing it in the overhead bin. I would be reluctant to lift my heavy Bernina up there :)

Cindy Needham (the quilting teacher) has a great blog at http//blog.cindyneedham.com Cindy travels nationally to teach and almost always brings her own sewing machine.

If you scroll down the current page, under A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS, she shows how she has taken an airplane overhead suitcase that she found at Target which fits her Juki machine. She has padded the inside (to fit her machine's shape) with chunks of green foam rubber. She uses silver duct tape on the outside of the case to mark it FRAGILE and, when she flies on a plane with small overhead space, she always talks to the folks who are checking the carry on luggage at the plane's door to let them know what they are handling. Apparently it has worked for her...she gets lots of work done while she is on the road teaching.

Hope you are planning to go someplace fun! Nancy in Tucson

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I have checked my Janome 6600, packed in it's original foam and cardboard packaging, and it arrived intact. It is pretty heavy to lug around though. Make sure you check the baggage fees if you consider this, because they do consider it an "extra bag" and charge you accordingly. It might actually be cheaper to send it along ahead via USPS or other carrier.

I have checked my felting machine in my suitcase, cushioned iwth my clothes on top and bottom! Felting machines are lighter though, and cheaper to replace if need be. Depending on how long you will be away, another option would be to see if there is a dealer for your machine type near your destination, and ask about the possibility of renting a demo or class machine from them while you are away.

It is crazy, when you go away on vacation and you finally have TIME to sew, not to have a machine to do it on. :)

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