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what I did for tension trouble

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1. I read every post On tension I could find.

2. I replaced my tension assembly ( it needed it), but in new bobbin case.

3. tightened top tension

4. loosened bottom tension

5. set stiches to 11 per inch( may need to go a little higher)

6. loosened my sandwich top, batting, and backing( a little)

and it looks so much better, just have to adjust a little more and I think i'll have it.

Thank you all so much for the good advise. I copied the ones I used and made a book, so I don't have to look it up next time ( hope I dont misplace my book hmmmmm)

Also think I may need different batting.

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I truly think sometimes it is the fabric as well! I had a batik top that I just could not get the tension to behave on one particular fabric. The rest of the fabrics have no tension issues. The original thread combination was Marigold Glide top thread and Black Magna Glide bobbin thread. I finally talked to my friend and suggested matching top/bobbin thread. She is fine with that. Lots of ripping but I think we will both be happier.

Loaded the next quilt and absolutely no tension issues. King Tut top thread/Magna Glide bobbin thread. Go figure!

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