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Help: need ideas

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This quilt has been with me for to long and it just isn't talking. The customer gave it to me and said do anything you want but something different in the blue than the green. She is a friend and also told me to go ahead and practice on it if I wanted. I asked her if she had a price range and she said no. I do not want to go crazy though and would like to keep it in the simple custom range if at all possible. I get the feeling though that I am going to be doing a lot of SID. She also said "I don't care if you have it til June." She says it's been on her to be quilted list for 4 years. TIA


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The top has a very modern look to it--both piecing and fabric. Do you want to do something straight-line and graphic to accent the modern look, or something curvy to soften the graphics of the piecing?

Just for fun, mark the very center of the pale blue snowball blocks--that's premium real estate for some pretty quilting. Mark a diagonal line from one blue block to the marked center of an adjacent blue block. As you join the center marks you will see a larger square on-point surrounding the orange blocks. Looking at only the pale blue areas enclosed (north-east-south-west) around the orange blocks, figure a design that will fill the blue arrow-shaped area. As you imagine a design, make it symmetrical so as each quadrant is stitched it will mirror across the center "X" of the pale blue blocks. Feathers will fit. Scrolls would be pretty.

If you want graphic designs, stitch straight lines about a quarter inch apart that parallel the horizontal and vertical seams of the orange block. Continue the straight quilting staying inside the arrow shape--so the quilting will taper to a point in the center. All four quadrants will meet in the middle and look very cool. Any of these can be continued into the green border.

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