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question about panto schmanto post

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I read this post and it hit home. Heidi said to check take-up roller and make sure leaders are straight. I checked screw notches on both sides and one has more ribs then other. Also my leaders did not come so neatly wrapped like ones in book and I can't take them off without pulling and tugging as they are glued. They seem to unroll evenly but maybe optical illusion. How do I proceed from here?

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Heidi's suggestions helped me a lot, I also had play between those round thingies and the poles. My hubby tightened it for me and away we go!!

To square your leaders pin the take-up roller's leader to your Quittop leader, matching centres then roll them back-and-forth till there is no more sagging. Repeat with Quit Backing leader pinned to your Take-up leader. But DO NOT wet your leaders, apparently its disastrous if you do! :o:o

Thats the great thing about this forum, there is always help at hand. Thanks everyone :)

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