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Bias Applique HELP

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Okay here is my problem. I am trying to finish my Misty Mountin Pond Quilt from a Judy Neimeyer pattern. I have the Bias Tube made like you would for stems, but it circles the entire quilt and ends on itself.

My problem. How do you join the ends together????



PS - I've only been working on this quilt off and on for 4 years and hoped to finally get it done, but I'm stuck.

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Ardelle is a certified Judy N instructor. Email or U2U her and I'm sure she can help you. My thought would be stitching both stems down to within two inches, tuck one tube's raw end into the other tube, which has the fabric turned inside and pressed. Then applique stitch the joining as you finish the edges. That's such a pretty quilt.

Due to a continuing series of Judy Niemeyer classes in town I have two Cattails and three Glacier Stars on my quilting schedule before November! Believe me, when I see Ardelle post photos of those quilted I am very grateful!;)

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