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How to quilt this

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The lady would like this custom quilted. Squares are 20". She does a lot of hand embroidery and art quilts. She doesn't want the quilting to be too comtemporary or too traditional. I have some ideas but I am sure you all have better ideas. Thanks for your help, Jan


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Sorry no one has answered you. Happens to me all the time.

Personally I would ignore the piecing and quilt each of the 4 squares with feathers using the center seam as my spine. I would carry out the pinwheel into the sashing as ghost pinwheels. Hope this helps.

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Dont have my wacom with me, but i'd do triangular feathers in the 8 bigger triangles in each 20" square. 4 yellow, 2 orange, and the 2 blues.

CC or terry twist, the black polka dot pinwheels. (That's what I see when I look at this quilt). So, trying not to push back quilting on those. Let those pop up.!)

SID those red rectangles, and straight line them longwise thru them (the ones inside the pinwheels).

Stipple down those 4 small triangles inside the pinwheel, the 1 orange, 1 blue and 2 yellows.

Also, use matching thread here thruout this quilt! Blackon black, blue on blue, etc.

Then, the 4 longer rectangles, (2 are black and 2 are polka dotted), straight line stitch and SID those just like you did the small rectangles (reds).

Then after the blocks are done, maybe you will come up with an idea for the sashing!

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