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vacumn sealed bags

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Guest Linda S

The thing those bags are fabulous for is travel!! You can really squish the air our of your clothes or quilts you are taking with you so you actually have room in your suitcase. Like Cheryl, I'd be a bit nervous about keeping them in there for long, but I suppose that applys to just about any kind of storage.


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I agree with Cheryl & Linda that storing stuff like clothes temporarily is OK, but I wouldn't store quilts long-term like this. The main reason I can think of is that it could damage the quilt (such as setting in creases and fold marks) -- just like all quilts, we should not store quilts all folded up and tucked away for long periods of time because it sets in creases and folds and ultimately damages the quilts. Better to use quilts, or lay them out flat on beds or periodically re-fold the quilts a different way to avoid setting in fold lines.


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I bit off topic, but hopefully close enough....A year or so ago, we had a woman come to speak to us at our quilt guild meeting. One of the things she stressed about storing quilts was to use a cotton draw string type of sack, not plastic. She also said it is best to just open up the end of the bag and push the quilt in...do not fold it up neatly as many of us tend to do. Her reasoning is that each time we fold we are folding in the same places and eventually that will damage the quilts. By stuffing randomly, we are not folding on the same lines over and over again.

I don't know if this is factual information, but it is something to think about, so I thought I would pass it along.

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Guest Linda S

I give all my clients a comforter bag when I return their quilt to them. I get them from a dry cleaner supply company. They are plastic, with a handle, but the sides are a cotton mesh and they are very breathable. I put the quilts in the bag when I take them in.


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Just another thought on storing quilts...from my understanding some people use a large bed that is not in use. They keep the quilts open and flat...one on top of another...lastly, they put a quilt that won't matter if it fades. This way they never get fold lines. That pile could get pretty thick these days... another princess and the pea story?

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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