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Help needed on quilting

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This is the next quilt on the frame. It is huge and it is all machine embroidered. My question has to do with the embroidered blocks. I would like some expert opinions on how to quilt them. I will be SID the blocks and outlining the embroidery but am stumped from there because the backing is a heavy drapery material she picked up in Paris and with the bamboo batting it is so heavy I don't want to quilt it real densely or the poor daughter it is for won't be able to move under it.

Thanks in advance for your help. You are all such an inspiration.


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Hi Bekah.

First--can you use your fabulous negotiating skills to talk her out of the heavy backer? I realize some people want "special" and/or meaningful fabrics incorporated into their creations, but some things just aren't appropriate. (This said by me, who once quilted around a pair of skivvies attached to a T-shirt quilt!:P) If she doesn't get it about the weight, gather all the pieces together in a big folded layer and hand them to her to weigh in her arms. Remind her that if the quilt isn't comfortable it won't be used and loved.....

On to the quilting! I think you're spot-on with not a lot of dense quilting on this one. The bright sashings are perfect for some intricate loveliness, but outlining the embroideries with matching thread and doing a simple and more-open filler is a perfect solution to the blocks. I would probably do a reverse curl to fill the space since that can fit into all areas easily. The density would be whatever you think will work, but keeping it the same density on all blocks. Other options are a medium stipple , loops, or (another fave of mine ) a ribbon meander.

Pics when you finish, please!

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Guest Linda S

Wow - since you're going to outline the embroidery, you could do some curved rays -- come in from the edge with your curve to the embroidery, outline to the next ray, go out, follow the SID, come back in, repeat.

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I have emailed her and asked if she would consider a different backer. I sure hope so. I like the idea of the curved rays too. I think I will lay a piece of clear plastic over the blocks with both ideas and see which looks the best.

Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.

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