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Help Carmen? or any one

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Need help. Gal as asked me to do a quilt with crosshatching. It has Hawaiian appliques and we want to do one inch crosshatching. I have the circle CH board. i'm going to do one echo around the applique and then the CH between. I started marking all the CH then thought gee, I have the Circle Lord boards. Do you think I can use the boards to do this without marking all the lines? and How difficult is is the advance and match up the last row?

Thanks for your advice!!!! :o

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I have the small CH board to use from the front of the machine - I have done some pretty big boarders, and have turned the quilt to do all borders.

I had to 'fudge' a bit but not much to get everything to work out, I'm sure you will be happy with the results.

Joanne Flamand

Artistic Quilt Design

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Dell, I recently bought the CL crosshatch boards and have not had an opportunity to use them yet. I don't think you have to mark the lines, not sure about advancing then matching up the lines of stitching row to row. Georgene has posted pictures of quilts that she has quilted with the CL crosshatch boards and hopefully she will jump in here and help. You could give Michael a call if you need a quick answer. I am so sorry that I can't help you!

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I have used both the CL 18" and 48" CH boards many times to CH entire quilts from Baby to Queen or just doing CH borders also with great resu;ts. Advancing the quilt then lining up the rows to match has never been a problem as you can scoot the board a smigine if you need to, but this has never really shown to be a problem either and most times they match perfectly anyway. It's amazing and I hold my breath every time but when you get to the bottom of the quilt everything seem to come together and matches almost like magic.

The only tip I can offer is that when I stop or jump over to do the next line of stitching I try to stagger these points a bit so that all the stops or jumps arent in a straight row which may be more noticeable on the back of the quilt and because these stops or jump places are where you will tie into or try to meet when stitching your advanced part of the quilt. For each advance I usually look for a good place to stop or jump so that the jumps for the row are contained to with in a 2-4" wide area across the quilt. Often times there are better places {less noticeable} to jump by just watching the design of the fabric or in your case at the edge of your outline stitching.


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I have the CL Long Boards. If you use the up front push button thingy as well, you can work from the front of the machine and you should not have to mark any lines. You quilt up to the applique, then use the push botton to lift the stylus and you stitch along the ditch of your applique until the stylus falls into the next groove. Not sure if this makes sense, but as Carmen says - you can always call Michael. He loves to help!

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