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The M size bobbin is a new offering from APQS and few here have any experience with it. A plus for that size is the amount of thread it holds. A minus is the tension will change as the bobbin empties. That's really the trade-off--less bobbin winding and changing verses remembering to adjust the tension before it gets bad enough that you have to frog.

Congratulations on your decision. You are making a purchase from a great company and joining the ranks of some happy quilters!

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I have an M bobbin on my Ult 2, and have not noted any ternsion changes as I go from full bobbin to empty bobbin. Now mine is a custom installation so it may be different than APQS's factory job. Obviously I wanted the M system, or I wouldn't have upgraded, but I found most of the quilting problems I encountered occurred immediately after a bobbin change. So fewer bobbin changes, fewer problems. Jim

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