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Machine not working properly - any ideas?

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I've already been in touch with Amy and she's working on my problem but I wondered if anyone out there has had this happen, and any ideas on fixing the problem. Next week will be my fourth week without working, and I really need a solution fast.

I had my bliss rails fitted and the grease was repacked whilst Millie was off the table. When the table was done, and the machine switched on, she just took off at 90 miles an hour and the handle buttons were unresponsive - we ( my rep Judy and I ) had to use the on/off button on the head to switch it off.

Initially it was thought that the optical sensor board was at fault,but a new one hasn't solved the problem. There was a little improvement in that some handle bar buttons regained their function, but some functions were all scrambled up, ie. could only turn off with the buttons you normally use to turn SR on, as no other button would turn machine off. The stitch length button is ok, channel locks ok, and I could 'stitch' ( not threaded!) in SR mode with what looked like appropriate speed. If I want to stop, pressing any button causes machine to speed enormously.Won't quilt in manual mode.

Then Amy thought it may be a loose wire, but I couldn't find any - had to remove all the back circuit board and check behind the metal plate where the transformer is, then put it back together. I know Millie's insides really well now.

I also tried adjusting screw#8 and turned it about two full turns - and when I switched machine on - silence!(ie machine didn't race) . Golden silence...but my joy was short lived, after testing in the SR mode, I then tried to stop using any button and the machine raced again.

Any suggestion gratefully received - I really want to get back to work as soon as I can.

many thanks...

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