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Please Tell Me It Gets Better!!!

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Pumpkin when I bought my used millie this past year the original wheels on it were damaged in transit ,I had planned on updating them to the M&Ms asap anyway so it was not that a big of a deal all except after driving all day and the excitement of setting up all night and then finding out I could not play on it but thanks to the fast shipping of the new wheels from APQS I was back on track better than ever ,when I first test run the machine before buying it was very difficult to follow pantos in the curves but since the M&Ms were installed it feels like a whole differant machine ,even better stitches and I can follow very close tight lines on pantos which would have been totally impossible before .I was fortunate enough to be able to test run two machines ,one being a green millie and they both had the same kind of wheels ,the green millie had the newer frame ,mine is like yours but I chose the older millie because it came loaded with thread,pantos,rulers,etc,everything I needed to get started .I bought for personal use because I am making larger quilts now for family and friends and I was getting tired of pleats in the back .I also started using the glide thread especially when I am doing a lot of back tracking but I love using all the differant threads .One other thing I replaced was the whole tention assembly which only needed a new spring but the whole thing was only around 15.00 and I would have never known my spring was shot by the looks of the stitching but I learned from reading a post here in the forum from Sylvia ,thanks sylvia , (where the postions of the spring should be ) ,thus making it sew even better because I love to play with tension ,I think it just comes natural after quilting on an old singer for so many years .Another thing I have learned is to not watch the hopping foot while sewing but to look ahead and that seems to help me out a lot also ,it takes time getting use to it .I do not get to quilt as often as I would like so I am still in the beginners stages and still learning ,this forum has been a great help .

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