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Quilting ideas

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Yesterday I got my April issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. It is their 20th anniversary issue (I would still like to make the Storm at Sea on the cover of their 1st issue). Anyway, this year they will have 2 or 3 quilting designs sketched out for each quilt featured. What a great resource for new ideas, for us to see that there is never just one way to quilt, and for when we get quilter's block!! I would encourage you to take a look. NQR...woke up to -32 base temp this morning!!

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Another resource for quilting ideas is ON TRACK (the IMQA magazine).  Our own Dawn Cavanaugh is a regular contributor.  Each issue several professional quilters are given a specific quilt pattern and asked to share their design ideas.  One issue covered a basic Log Cabin pattern and the different quilting ideas were inspiring!  Check it out ... well worth the subscription price.

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