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C'mon Girls are ya home yet!!!!!


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Yes, the class was great. It was wonderful to get to know Suzanne...she did a super job teaching. Dee-Dee and Stan, I have never had the pleasure of meeting before, where so supportive and kept us fed during the day (very important...and were super to adapt meals for a vegetarian). Toni and Butch were extremely helpful too.

There is really too much to learn via any chat group. I suggest that if you have any interest in learning to digitize you need to take this class. On top of all that you will make some good friends in class...you basically live together:P

I struggled with the tools in autosketch....let me tell...I can make the tools draw lines, curves and arcs just where I want them to go. I can do everything I couldn't before...I am on my way to being a very competent digitizer.

Thanks to Suzanne's hard work and dedication we all can learn from her.

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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I agree with Linda.....great class and Suzanne is a great teacher and the CompuQuilter facility is awesome!;) Stan, Dee Dee, Tony and Butch were very accommodating and answered all of our questions. Oh, yes and the hospitality was fantastic!.....Stan and Dee Dee brought in lunch for us each day so we did not have to leave the facility and loose valuable time that we needed for class.

Suzanne?..hats off to ya digi baby??you worked hard preparing for us to learn and it showed!

I will attach some pictures??.our class was awesome and we learned together and laughed together. I highly suggest any owner of a CompuQuilter attend this class!

Quilted Treasure's By Pat

Pat Horning

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Hi Everyone :)

I?m still tired from the week in Arkansas, but I?m excited about our class. A big thank you to all the students who supported the first Digitizing for CompuQuilter Workshop. We all worked hard and had fun too. There is so much talent in this group of people. They started to add creative ideas soon after learning some basic concepts. I expect that you?ll be seeing some cool digitizing from my new ?Digi-Babies?.

The new CompuQuilter headquarters is a beautiful facility. Stan and Dee Dee have set it up and decorated it very nicely. We toured the showroom/training center, Stan and Dee Dee?s new offices, and the manufacturing areas of CQ. Everyone got to met and spend time with Stan, Dee Dee, Tony, Butch and Frances. We all had lunch and dinner together every day. Dee Dee had a nice variety of lunches prepared for us to keep our strength up. Students were able to ask all the CQ staff direct questions about their CompuQuilter systems and there were APQS dealers in attendance that helped with machine questions.

Each student received the new course book I?ve written, simply called Digitizing for CompuQuilter. The book is organized into individual lessons, many of which have been prepared using AutoSketch so I could add digitized examples and design layouts, with different colored elements, along with written text. The lessons include background information and step-by-step instructions and tips to digitizing using both fitted curve and 3 point arc tools. One lesson covers the portions of AutoSketch you need to know to digitize for CompuQuilter.

Seven professional digitizers, including our own JoAnn Hoffman and Jessica Schick contributed design files for students to study professional digitizing. One of the designers provided Statler files for me to teach students how to convert to CQ files. I made arrangements with the owners of copyrighted quilting designs for students to use the art to practice their digitizing skills. The students received the designs as jpeg files to import to AutoSketch for digitizing and as paper copies to practice the path of the design in preparation for digitizing. Every student received these files loaded on their own new stick drive, graciously provided by CompuQuilter. We talked a little bit about the future of digitizing and design layouts for computerized quilting. The opportunities are soaring !

The digitizing students will receive ongoing help via an internet service I have subscribed to that lets them view on their computer what I am doing on my computer as they talk live to me. I can reverse the meeting to watch what they do on their computer.

Organizing the digitizing lessons into a book, making sure I included all steps and tips was a challenge. All of that effort was worth it as I was able to fulfill a dream of teaching this material and watching people?s light bulbs go off. With feedback from the students, I will continue to strive to make this an excellent class. Thank you again to Stan and Dee Dee Townzen for the fabulous CompuQuilter invention, the new facility, the great lunches, and your consistent example of excellent customer service and friendship. Thank you to Butch for organizing and loading files for the students and understanding computers so well, and being such a nice guy. Thank you to Tony for also being a nice guy and being available to help students with questions about their CQ and even working in some additional training time for a new CQ owner. Thank you to Grammie Tammie who both participated in the class and assisted me. Thank you to all of my students . . . . all of this was for you. You all traveled distances to be at this workshop ? and Helen Campbell, you came all the way from Australia for this training. You all put in an amazing amount of effort and I appreciate every one of you. I knew that getting together with this group would put me in touch with talented people. I cannot wait to see the work you do with your new digitizing skills. Practice and I?ll see you in our Digi-Club meetings.

Our next scheduled digitizing workshop is February 21 ? 24, 2007. A couple recently cancelled because of illness, so there are some openings in this class. You can contact me if you want more info.

-Warm Regards,

-Suzanne Moreno (a.k.a. "Digi-Momma" :cool: )

Digitizing for CompuQuilter Instructor



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