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Gee all I wanted was to have some fun!

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After some time visiting my husband and digitizing in Arkansas I come home and everyone wanted their quilts done yesterday. I'm thrilled to be booked but wow it seems it always happens all at once. I'm blessed but just when I think I can slow down they come in flocks. lol

I think I will put a week every Month on my Calender as OUT of TOWN on Vacation. This will give me catch up time. lolol I promised myself that I would find quilting time for myself. Humm. I'll figure it out. lolol

Isn't that what you do if your Retired? lolol

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Glad to hear you have lots of waiting customers beating down your door...LOL!

And, I must say that ABSOLUTELY you should block your schedule/time out and to follow it religiously. Taking a week to do your own things is not asking too much. Besides, it's your own secret that you don't have to inform your waiting customers... they would never need to know your schedule for taking care of your own stuff. Just do it. Block out "Grammie Time" every few weeks or so. Besides, where else will you have time to create all those cool digitized designs that are swimming around in that creative mind of yours? Hmmm? You have to make time for that!

PS: I just got off the phone with your buddy, Suzanne. ;)


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