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bees, berries?...emb. qlt pattern search

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So, when am I not mining for something? lol!  


At a quilt retreat in April, I saw a book in another town, didn't buy it at the time, now I'm trying to find it..and can't remember anything about the title....or the author, for that matter.  I was thinking, I don't want to make a quilt that big, don't have a place to hang it, etc, then realized later, I could still use the individual images to make dishtowels and smaller items.  duh. (insert dope slap) 


Anyway, it was a book of hand-embroidered blocks with summertime images on them, very fun little summer images, one in particular was a pitcher of lemonade and a glass with ice cubes, there were little images of things you'd see around a yard...birds, cat, etc, think vintagey-feeling designs.


did it say something about berries or bees?  




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That's it!  Thank you!  


...and now that I see it, I wonder if I saw two different patterns and am mixing my metaphors...?!  This one doesn't appear to have the smaller images that were the small critters, etc.  hmm...Maybe it was a gardening theme? 


I was hoping to see it in person again, and there's a sewing festival this weekend, so there may be some other vendors at the event. 


One of the cool images was a small crow... it happens to be a friend's 'theme', so I was thinking of trying to do something for her for christmas with the little crows on it. 



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The Crabapple Hill pattern is definitely the one that we saw at retreat, the lemonade pitcher is what I remembered, but I do think I was mixing up two different patterns.  I

have searched and searched online, and am just not turning up a book or a pattern with those garden-themed embroidered squares.

The other pattern had whimsical characters with a garden theme, it had main blocks with the characters and also smaller squares with little critters, like a cat, a bird, a bird house on a pole, and little crawlies, a snail, caterpillar, etc.  



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I finally wrote an email to the store where I remembered seeing the quilt ... They named it Hatched and Patched by Anni Downs.  The easiest way to find images it to search her name or Hatched and Patched on Pinterest, or google images.


They only have one kit left, and aren't selling the book separately...and it's a bit out of my price range at 132 + shipping for a guild exchange gift!  It's spendy because the designer is in Australia. I guess I'll wing it on the gift and draw something myself.


oh, well.  It's good to finally find the pattern and the image that I remembered is here: 



Very cute little stitcheries with the little critters that I remembered.  


So, it turns out that I did see both of those patterns, the Crabapple Hill one and the Hatched and Patched.  


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