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Specific use batting recommendation-suggestions?

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I am starting a quilt for our trailer (an Airstream that we truly love being out in!). Anyway it will be for a queen size bed, it will get exposed to all sorts of weather (except snowy winter days...we stay home then :) ).

It will need repeated washing over the years and we want warmth. I am leaning toward a poly cotton blend but maybe there is something else? I wouldn't worry about this now except with MQX being 5 days from now I'd like to pick it up on a sale!

Specific suggestions welcome... I am a fairly new quilter so I doubt I have even a clue about all the possible choices. The fabric is from the Northcott Peacock Paradise II collection.

Thanks in advance!

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I think your choice is a good one. If you can find 70/30 instead of 80/20 cotton/poly blend, pick some up. That extra poly will allow the quilt to dry faster and shrink less. Either will stand up to washing and drying well and the batting will outlast the fabric. ;)

This combo will not be extra warm like wool, but the ease of use will make up for that.

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I sometimes like to use a double batt for extra warmth, comfort and ease of washing. My favorite is a bamboo cotton 50/50 blend with a light poly weight overlay batting.  The quilt is slightly loftier, nice to quilt, adds good stitch definition without the heaviness of using 100% cotton batt such as warm and natural.


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Thanks Linda and Leslie!

I'll be looking to see what they have at MQX... I am also going to try to take advantage of getting in my first trip to E. E. Schenk as it looks like they are having an open house during the show.


If you aren't already registered at Schenck, set up an account before you visit. They will be extra busy during MQX and having your customer number will allow you almost instant entry to the warehouse. If you have to register when you visit it will take at least 20 minutes even if you're the only one on line. I'm sure you know about the minimum purchase per visit. I've never had a problem meeting the minimum!! B)

Wish I could meet you this trip.

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If you aren't already registered at Schenck, set up an account before you visit. They will be extra busy during MQX and having your customer number will allow you almost instant entry to the warehouse. If you have to register when you visit it will take at least 20 minutes even if you're the only one on line. I'm sure you know about the minimum purchase per visit. I've never had a problem meeting the minimum!! B)

Wish I could meet you this trip.

I will be attending classes Wed afternoon and Thursday...and wandering around the vendors area in between. I am hoping to meet other forum members and would love to meet you! I will probably write my Forum name on my badge or something like that...

Thanks for the tip to pre-register..I will make it happen somehow!

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