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Newby 2013 millie Mom

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I quilted a baby quilt and as I was nearing the end of my feathers on the last border, I looked up to see all this white little balls, as I was using verigated thread on the top and black on the bobbin i knew it had to be the batting. I finished the quilt but had to go back and color the batting bubbles, what could cause this I changed the needle the tension was really good, I used so fine on top and bottom line prewound bobbins on the bottom. I just need some help so it doesn't do this again, no fun after having fun. Thank you for your help. Terry Nylund


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Of course it was the batting showing through---drat! Best to make sure that the batting is right side up. ( Your header say newbie owner but if you're stitching feathers you must have experience so I'll just offer this generic advice. :P )


General hints for determining the right side of most batting.

Warm brand battings are wrapped on the roll with the right side on the outside. So the batting fold will be a tent instead of a valley for right side up when placed on the backer. Warm & Natural is loaded "dirty side" up--the flecks of debris are on the right side.

Another easy way to remember is "dimples up/ pimples down". When held vertically with the light shining down, the right side needle-punching will show an even, dimpled effect. The wrong side is messier looking. This is true for most cotton and blend battings.

Most polys it doesn't matter and you can't tell one side from another. But I always check to see if the needle punching is evident and load so my needle goes in the same way. 


Another thing that might help with the batting pulling to the top is changing the needle. There might have been a tiny burr that pulled the batting up with it.


Your solution to color the dots was a great idea. I have many sets of Pigma pens and I'm not afraid to use them!

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thank yOu for great inforation, I read this forum so much but I did not see anything about batting popping out in the back. I did just change my needle but I do think it may have been a burr on the needle, I just saw it too late, about 4 hours of coloring and it looks much more presentable, I have been so enjoying my new millie after having a short arm before.Now I am franically trying to get some tops done so I can quilt..Thank  you again Linda. Terr y Nylund

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I recently read a tip in a quilting mag., sorry I can't remember which one but it was about the batt poking through the backer fabric. I haven't tried it but here it is. They said to take the little battery powered tool you use on sweaters to eliminate the pills and use it on the back of the quilt to eliminate pokies. Sounds like it just might work.

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