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I have been working on a quilt and like a dumbly I checked the tension on the busy backin fabric looked great. This is a pieced back, the batting sucks it is definitely cheap stuff, pieced together and supplied by the client. I used a red thread to and black bottom. I do this all the time without issues until now. In the sections of black ands white fabric, there are red porkies. Not my best work and it is a new client that was referred to me. It would take a week to pick out this much custom. Obvious tension issues not evident on red and black print.

It is a wall hanging. I'm going to finish it, call client and have her come over, and give her 2 choices. 1. Take a discount of 40 percent. Or 2 I can take it with me on vacation, pick it out and redo it the following week for full price.

What would you do?


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I would point out the problem and explain what caused it then offer some suggestions to prevent it next time.  But I'd be very hesitant to offer a discount or even to frog it since it's really not your fault.  Sometimes it's difficult to see these pokies from the bottom side of the quilt until it starts to roll to the top.  And on a wall hanging that's a good portion of the quilt already.


She will very likely appreciate your honestly and not have a problem with the pokies.

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I completely concur with Pat and her great advice. No discount--it wasn't your fault.


I had a "frankenstein" batting provided by a customer that combined not only different colors of batting but different content as well--and it was zigzagged together with orange thread. :blink: The thread showed through on the white fabric of the top (baby quilt) and my customer didn't even care. sigh

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