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CQA - St. Catherine's Ontario

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Hi Everyone,

We have been busy but wanted to let everyone we have an APQS booth at Canadian Quilt Association National Show at Trent University in St. Catherine's, Ontario! (as in Canada!)

We had a busy first day today (:-)) and look forward to the next three days. Birgit Schuler is teaching on Saturday and she stopped by the booth today to say hi, and we look forward to having her spend time with us!

Matt and Bradie Sparrow, Sheila VanderLinden and I and 5 others spent last week at Ricky Tim's in Colorado last week and had a fabulous time. It was a great studio retreat for us all and so appreciated the time spent with Ricky. My Rhapsody quilt is still in cutout stage, but I look forward to the process.

Take Care everyone, and hope to see some of you at our booth! APQS is really starting to rock across Canada.

Joanne Flamand

APQS Sales and Education, Canada


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