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those pesky thread tails....

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I just finished the "fern" quilt for my friend and I have to fix all the thread tails! My thread kept breaking and I would lose my rythum (sp?) and I was not always able to place the needle back into the spot the thread broke. Does anyone know of an easier way to do the threads besides threading a hand needle and knotting off the thread tail and setting in the quilt as in hand quilting? this is the "hairest" quilt I have ever done,but it does look good and will look better once the threads are taken care of HELP!


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There are lots of answers--just like always! So many techniques and different ones perhaps for different quilts.

You can:

Knot and bury threads with a self-threading needle.

Pull the bobbin up to the top and just clip both threads at the same time.

Back-track a couple of stitches (using the needle-up-down) take three stitches in one spot, pull up the bobbin thread and clip close (this from a Sally Terry class. She says the short tails will bury in the quilt.)

This method from a class with Cindy Roth-- pull up the bobbin thread and cut both threads very close. Then, using a small plastic bottle with a needle-fine metal tip, apply a tiny dot of FrayCheck to the two snipped ends. She says the FrayCheck won't stain or show after it dries and it stays soft. Haven't tried it myself!

When the thread breaks, I frog to the nearest seam intersection or sharp point in the stitching and secure the threads (however) Then I needle-down and pull up the bobbin thread a few stitches back, needle-up-down over all the stitches to where I need to start again, and off I go!!

As I said, there are many techniques and you get to try them all to find a good fit for you and the top. Have fun and post a pic of the Fern Quilt when you finish!

Linda Rech

Olympia Wa

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