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Single stitch adjustment help, please

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Last week, my single stitch button began to malfunction. Instead of one stitch, it took several. Once, I had to turn off the machine to get it to stop.

I had this happen a few years ago with my Ultimate I, and knew the adjustment wasn't too hard. I made the adjustment according to the manual and all worked well for one day.

Now, it seems that the eratic behavior of the single stitch button occurs every day or so.

I'm sure there is a way to make the single stitch setting "stick", but I sure don't know what it is.

Can anyone give me some suggestions, please.




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I have had this problem. There is a tiny #8 screw under the top cover on the right side that needs to be adjusted. It is an easy fix the SECOND time you do it:D.

I've saved the directions from (name removed) if you would like for me to forward them to you. Also try a search on this site...Good luck!

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Hi Brenda

To make the change "stick" make sure that you thoroughly warm up your machine before making the adustment.

Run the machine for about 10 minutes, then make the adjustment. If your machine is cycling so many times that you need to turn it off to stop it, then turn the No 8 screw two full turns clockwise. If this doesn't stop the problem then call APQS for their help. Ocassionally another solution is appropriate.

Sue in Australia

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