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Does anyone get Tension100% perfect?

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Does anyone ever get the tension balanced 100%? I have great stitches top and bottom, but my varigated Rainbow shows with little knobbies on the bottom (off white Bottom Line), otherwise my stitches are just sooo fine, I wonder if they didn't put a SR in that Freedom after all. Listen to me...already bragging.

Anyway, I am afraid if I tighten top tension anymore thread will snap, and I dont know if I want to mess with the bobbin. I know there are many threads and I read them all and I think I got it pretty good, just wondering If maybe I excpect to much?

Feel free to educate me....thanks

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It is probably a very dumm question cause there are looks but no answers. Bot my DSM have automatic tension and I never have to touch it, they are 100% balanced, just want to know if anyone gets those results with their LA.

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Ahh tension. I think that we have all fought that fight. Bob Purcell, of Superior Threads, has a great article about the tension fight.


I think that tension depends on a lot of things, not just the tension setting on your machine but the thread, batting and backing fabric all play into it. Sometimes I get pinpoint pokeys on the back. Usually after the quilt has been washed and dried, the batting and backing fluff up and the pokeys are not even seen.

The pokeys are less noticeable when the thread on the top and bobbin match and/or the top/bobbin thread work well with the backing. It has always been easier for me to have perfect tension when I have quality backing and batting that is thick enough to make the stitch. Thinner batting and less than quilt shop quality fabric on the back just seems to invite pokeys to me.

I had a customer quilt a few months ago that was turquoise on the back, and the top was a hand embroidered white. So you have to use white thread on top but white on the back would have been awful. I didn't want either thread to poke out the other side. My solution was to put a Hobbs 80/20 batt on the backing then a Warm & Natural poly on top of theat and then the white top. I used white thread won top with a turquoise on the back. No pokeys.

I have educated my customers that thread and backing can make or break a quilt. So be smart about the selections you make.

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