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Hi support staff!

I am having so much trouble w/my bobbin thread coming to the top. I have adjusting the tension on the bobbin all day.

I have adjusted the tension on the top all day. Never doing them both at the same time. When I finally get the tension tighter on top so the bobbin thread doesn't show, the thread breaks. I am getting so frustrated. Please help.


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Hi Rlena,

I used to have lots of tension problems. Then I bought the Towa gauge. I never could get the "drop" method. If you don't have a Towa, I think that I would loosen up the bobbin

about a 1/4 turn (lefty -loosy, righty - tighty) on the big screw. Remember the bobbin adjustments are miniscule compared to the top tension adjustment.

If the thread breaks , loosen it again. Loosen that bobbin until the top thread does not break. Of course, you will be able to see the bobbin thread on top, don't worry yet. Once you are not breaking the thread on top, start loosening the top tension so you can equalize the tug-of-war between the top and the bobbin. If the top tension is set to 2 o-clock, change it to 4 o'clock and stitch. Continue making this size adjust only to the top until the bobbin thread is not visible.

There is a quilter on this forum, can't remember who now, who lost the screw on her bobbin case a long time ago and she uses only the top tension to adjust. It can be done.

Hang in there.

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