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How to raise the frame (with the picture attached)

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Hi Everyone. I have an older square, black frame (2006 maybe) that I got in a private sale from a friend. I notice I get a lot of backaches when working in the front and want to raise it by one hole on the leg (she was a bit shorter than I am). Could I use a car jack to lift the end of the frame without taking the head off but securing it at the opposite end? I've attached a pic of what the legs look like. I've searched the forum and saw plenty about height but not too much about the how. Thanks so much!


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I responded to your earlier post without pictures.  I would need more photos of both feet.  From this one, I cannot tell if they bolt in the front holds those three bars as they come together.  In the back it looks like you only have two bars.  My concern is the bolt holds the leg on, and possibly holds the frame pieces together.  I do not want it to come all apart when you remove that one bolt.  Post more pictures of the inside/outside of both the front and back legs, and I/others can probably give you a better opinion.



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