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IQ Stiq questions

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I have the IQ system on my machine and for the most part have been very happy with it.  File maintenance leave a lot to be desired.  I've  been thinking about getting the Stiq so that I can do the file maintenance on my PC, but can't find any information on it.  So here are a few of the basics that I would like to know if the Stiq can do.

I understand that the Stiq is just a mirror of the IQ system and that the two sync.  With the stiq program on the computer, can I drag and drop files to it and rearrange them easier than on the IQ where it's literally one file at a time?  Are there any advantages to the stiq that are not on the IQ?  Pros?  Cons?  etc. 

Really appreciate any insight you can provide.  Also is there a demo of the Stiq somewhere?  Thanks. 

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Hummm, I have the Stiq and never use it.  If I want to practice or try things on my IQ, I just us it off the machine with the electric adapter.  It is a mirror  of the IQ program which isn't windows or mac.  Are you a member of the IQ forum/group on Yahoo?  The IQ group is great just like this one, you would get lots of answers there.  You can email me at home sending you a message here with my address.  I don't get off work until 4PM EDT. 

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