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CQ versus other tools

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While I am trying to patiently wait for my QC, I got to wondering which tools and gadgets those of you who have the QC don't use any more and which ones you do. I can see I may not need the Circle Lord and pantos, but what about all of my rulers etc.

Phyllis Wright, Victoria, B.C. Millennium and soon QC.

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Hi Phyllis

I would keep your circle lord, and if you have it, your expander base and ruler for the time being to do diagonal lines and stitch in the ditch.

You can definitely do cross hatching and ditch stitching with your CQ but they are a little more time consuming to do and learn when you first get your CQ.

Stan is working on ways to make cross-hatching easier with CQ but for the time being I' stick with your normal method.

Best wishes

Suein Australia

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