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Vanishing thread is pretty expensive for practitcing. What I was taught to do was just use a different color thread on the second pass, or just add another piece of muslin or cheap fabric over what you already did. I always went to W-Marts and bought their dollar a yard stuff to practice on then the dog ended up with some fresh bedding.

Hope that helps.

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Guest Linda S

Hi Judy - yes, while it would seem like a good idea to use the vanishing thread, it is expensive. I started with plain unbleached muslin and used a color that was closely matching. I could see the quilting mostly when viewed at an angle. Then I practiced more over it with a light blue color. As I wanted to try new things, I went darker and darker, so I could see my new designs until I had a fairly densely quilted blankie -- the kitties sleep on it now! ;)


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Not trying to poopoo on your idea, but even if you buy it wholesale, it still would be a waste, and a hassle.

You have to wash it out, unless you have some major steam, which then will leave you with your batting balling up and then you will have to throw it away leaving only your muslin.

Second grade muslin and cheap battings are so much better and Linda's idea was a great one and even more cost effective.....but that is my opinion.

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Another thing you might want to try is using very contrasting thread in the top and bobbin -- say red in the bobbin and yellow on top. That way, you can get some ideas of tension issues as you stop/start, turn corners, sharp curves, etc.

You may not believe it now but I found it very helpful to go back and look at those old practice pieces. At some point down the road, you may be feeling a bit inadequate or like you're not progressing but if you look back at pieces you did early in your longarm career, you'll be pleasantly surprised and pleased with your progress.

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