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APQS at the MQS booth in Kansas City told me you can add it to a Liberty. I think people who buy the CQ want the larger throat space that the Freedom and or millie offer. I believe you can "trade up" the LIberty to the Millenium. APQS will take trade ins and sell them here on the site, by just adding the appropriate table.

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Yes, we do take trade in machines if they are APQS. Most of us who are using the CompuQuilter have chosen to add it to the larger machines such as Freedom or Millennium for the very reason you have listed. The larger throat merely increases our production rate with fewer advances of the quilt. At the same time we love having the larger throat space for those times when we unhook the CQ and just add our own PERSONAL touches to the quilt. I love doing a combination of CQ and then adding my own freehand quilting!:)

If you have a Liberty it is still JUST FINE to add the CQ to that machine. Afterall, some people only have space and $$ for the Liberty and it is a GREAT little machine for working freehand! If you have the choice of the larger machine and the price is right for you I say go with the Millennium with the CQ options!:P

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