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I Spy Quilt

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I did an I Spy quilt. It was family photos so I don\'t know if what I did would be helpful, but here it goes...

I SID around the pictures, quilted the names under the pictures in the sashing and did loops in the vertical borders. I wrote out the names on Golden Threads paper before stitching them out. That way I could center the names under the pictures especially since some had 2 people in the picture.

I have also meandered on an I Spy quilt and free-handing an occasional ladybug, spider, butterfly, flower or whatever else was appropriate for the quilt.


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It\'s been a long while since I\'ve quilted an "I Spy" quilt, but I do remember doing a freehand squiggly cross hatchin that works really well. It accomplishes the same thing but....the bonus is, it\'s much quicker.

Post some pictures when your done, we all love "show\'n\'tell" :D

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