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Buying a machine

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I have been making quilts off and on for about 20 years. I have just gotten back into doing it seriously again. I have never been much for hand quilting as it just takes too much time. I have always sent my quilts off to be quilted. I am at a point in my life where I want to work at home and would love to start a long-arm quilting business. I have looked at all the ads for machines and frames in quilting magazines and am really lost as to which one to buy. My other problem would be that I would need to finance the machine as well. I would love to hear some advice.


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Hi Janice

In my 9 years of longarm quilting I have owned 5 differant brands of machines. Each of these machines had differant features that either worked for me or I had to work around to make work for me. I have been fortunate to travel to many shows and teach on many differant machines within that time frame.

Almost one year ago I realized that I needed to choose a machine that made it easier for ME! Having the experiance to try or own all the other machines in the past made my decision a piece of cake! I knew that I wanted to best stitch quality machine I could get with the best stitch regulator on the market. It was also very important for me to have a lightweight, presision machine that I could sit and quilt at for very long periods of time. APQS matched all these needs with the development of my Liberty. I LOVE my machine, everything about it is perfect. I turn it on and I quilt...period!

I highly recomend that you try our machines for yourself. There are shows across the country that very often have all the major machines set up for demonstration. APQS also has road shows to demo thier machines, perhaps something is in the works for an area near you.

APQS also has financing available. Contact them for details. In the meantime I would be happy to send you a information package that explains our machines.

Just holler if you need further information.

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Hi Janice,

You have come to a great company APQS to look for a machine. They have a machine for every need. I went up to a Discovery from an APQS UII. They are great machines and so light compared to others.

To finance, banks have many options. I used to work for one for 17 years.(don't miss a day of it). Loans are fixed rates fixed payments. A Line you pay what you borrow (like a credit card) but the payment and rate can vary. Most of these types of products you can get a line or loan.

If you are going to use it for business, there is a comercial loan or line. It is the most difficult and time consuming. You have to prove to the bank you can make money with this machine so there are alot of forms. (you will make money, but starting out it is hard to say how much).

A Personal loan or line, is one with out colateral but usually has a higher interest (because there is nothing securing it)

A home equity loan or line usually has a lower rate and is secured by your home.

There is always the trusty credit card option but you want to pay more than the minimum or it would take 20 years to pay off and the rates can change if the Prime rate ever goes up.(Greenspan talks about it) Any well off relatives? (not a recommended option)

Thats all I can think of at the moment. Your best bet is to talk to a tax advisor to see what would be the best for you.

Hope this helps.


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Guest Linda S

Hi. I'm new here too. I've been quilting for about 5 years, been sewing for forever. I've always been a hand-quilter, but have machine quilted a couple on my Bernina and have been in awe of some of the quilting designs I have seen lately. I've caught a few programs of Simply Quilts, especially one last week with Karen (I think that was her name) McTavish, using a APQS Millenium.

Well, to make a long story short, I've now been in email contact with my local APQS dealer and am anxiously awaiting her return from the machine quilters convention. I'm also waiting for a call from my banker about the appraisal on my house to see how I can finance a machine.

I'm so excited that after 50 years on the planet, I've finally decided what I want to do when I grow up! Just hope I'm not crazy!


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Linda, hang on . . you may be in for the ride of your life. I can't tell you how much fun I have every day doing machine quilting. I *almost* feel guilty making $$ when I'm having so much fun.:D

I'm on my second APQS machine and of course, I think they're the best. Their machines are great and their service really is the best.

Yes, Karen McTavish was on Simply Quilts last week and she is fantastic. Sherry Rogers responded above and she's also one of the *famous* ones who quilts with an APQS machine . . she has books and teaches on the national circuit.

Marilyn Badger isn't on her much but she's an APQS user too and a quilt she did won Best Longarm Quilting at the AQS show in Paducah a couple of weeks ago.

So, not only is APQS the best but APQS users are the best too . . although I might be just a bit prejudiced! :D

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Guest Linda S

Thanks Judy! I am so excited! I have a full time job right now, but it is not what I envisioned myself doing with my life. After doing it for 25 years, I get to retire with a pension in 5 more years. I thought if I could start doing quilts part-time, by the time I retire, I could be making some money and be able to afford all the fabric I always want to buy!;)

Also, I don't want to end up one of those poor folks who has to decide if they are going to buy their meds or their food this week. So, I thought . . . this is what I love to do, why not try to make some money at it?

I just hope the funding comes through but, if not right away, it's something to work towards!


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