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Marking Quilt

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Originally posted by TmausWe are selling the home we live in. And everything we are finding has small rooms. I have the 10\' table and I\'m wondering if there might be anyway for me to get an 8\' table. It would be a help in fitting in the room. If not I think we can make it work but it will be quite tight. I\'m not sure if I want to go down to an 8\' but if I need to do you know if I can get one?

Here\'s a suggestion if you can\'t find a home with larger rooms:

A few years back I was house hunting in my area and one home I walked through (the person was a quilter) and she had knocked out the adjacent bedroom wall where the closet doors used to be... so instead of a closet, essentially she had a "large opening" for her longarm that went into both rooms! What was once two small bedrooms is now one large room for the longarm.

Plenty of space and it really looked cool!

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Hmmm, marking.....

If I take something in that I know I will have to mark, I discuss with the client. Usually custom will lead to using the blue washable or in the case of dark, the white clover pen. To fully remove all marks, I tell the client that rinsing and blocking is the appropriate removal method.

If they resist that conclusion to the project, I usually say something like "I am not sure I would be able to quilt it the way you want without marking, maybe we should talk about other quilting options" And then they back-pedal and say "Okay, mark away!" If they are a really good client I even offer (for a charge) to rinse and block. BUT ONLY if they have pre-washed.........

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