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Double Wedding Ring

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I\'ve just finished piecing my first, and maybe only ;) , double wedding ring quilt top. Whew! I\'m glad that part is finished.

Now I want to quilt it. I have a heart pattern to put in the center and in the melon. How do you usually quilt the rings?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Have you gone to One Song Needle Arts? http://onesongneedlearts.com/ She has some absolutely beautiful designs for the double wedding rings...even if you don\'t have computerized machine, you may get some neat ideas from her website. http://onesongneedlearts.com/index.php?cPath=106&sort=5a&page=3 shows 3 sets for the double wedding ring. All of her designs quilt the rings.

Also, I just had a friend la who completed one...she did SID around and between each of the blocks..took forever...she used the Mono Poly thread.

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Thanks so much, Beth. I did a search and finally found the pictures of Linda Rech\'s quilt. It\'s gorgeous! I\'m sure mine won\'t even begin to compare, but it gives me something to thing about. I like the way you quilted the scallop in each section of the melon, Linda.

I also checked out many websites including One Song Needle Arts.

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