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Receiving APQS Emails

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You know what they do? They create a distribution list for each email and include only those not currently chatting. I think I got one today, inviting me to be queen of APQS. Did you get it MaryBeth? Just Kidding, you can chat AND produce quilts. You da Queen!

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I need to be on the Emails R Us list too cuz I don\'t get them either. I have the right box checked in my profile. Maybe I need the left box checked. Myrna, you are too darn cute not to update your avatar. Let Patty Jo see you as you really are. I got a snow pic of you. Or maybe one of those MQS ones. Patty Jo, you are the "post a pic" queen, can we hack into Myrna\'s profile and put a cool pic of her online?

Y\'all are just too funny. I needed that tonight.



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