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Signature block help?

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My cousin made this quilt for her daughter as a wedding gift. At the wedding reception, she had all the guests sign a block of prewashed muslin. Some are quite artistic, and some are very simple. I\'m letting her quilt it on my machine. We chose Kim Diamond\'s Sun Spirit to quilt the blender blocks. I\'m digitizing the wedding vows to put in the outer borders, and we\'ve chosen a little motif for the black inner border that matches the Sun Spirit.

The blocks are 9.5 inches square and that\'s too large to leave open in the signature blocks. Could you give us some suggestions? She doesn\'t want to take away from the sentiments of the signatures, and she doesn\'t want the quilting to be complicated or too busy. We thought about a large crosshatching, a simple spiral, a square spiral--just can\'t make up our minds. We also thought about using invisible thread--or white?

I would be forever grateful for any help.

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Hi Boni, I\'ve tried to google Kim Diamond and also Sun Spirit and can\'t seem to find what that pattern looks like. Could you post a pic of it?

When I first was reading your post, I thought there needed to be hearts on this as it is a wedding present. Could you do loopy with hearts to go around in the blocks with the signatures? And I would use clear thread so that if you do go over any writing it wouldn\'t be noticed as much. Just some ideas.

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