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A bullet list of hints!

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Saddle stools can buck one off too.. whistle, whistle.. ummm not pretty.. didn't know I could still do a backbend and found out I shouldn't have tried... and then.. um the floor is harder.. himself got the stool in the shinn.. while looking at me with this silliest look.. I'd just been above his head.. suddenly I'm on the floor.. PTL, no breaks just a sprain..

Now, I put one foot between two wheels, grab the horn, grab the quilting rail and swing aboard.. safely, so far... lol was a bit of excitement for a few min.. sorta fun. What a ride.


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When I do , or do Not want to use the SR, and am in the middle of the quilt when I have to stop.. I put a bright pink postit on the front end, reminding me to use SR or NO SR... Saved my goose several times.

Post it notes can also be used to make note of thread, top and bobbin, SR or NO SR, stitch length, batting used.. etc.. when switching between projects.. My brain farts get more frequent on some meds.. so again.. this has saved me more than once.


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Hi Laura..

Well, I'll see if I can explain. I always use SR when meandering, especially the tiny stuff, or pebbles, . I do not use it for grid work, like latice, dagonal cross hatch, etc. It depends on the size if I use it on pantos.. larger ones I usually don't, smaller ones with more small detail I usually do use the SR as well as weights to keep better control.

My suggestion is to try it both ways.. say a square foot of SR and the same pattern in a sq. foot without SR on. See which feels and looks best..

So, yes.. when I'm working on a quilt.. and especially when on some meds that affect short term memory.. I use the post it. to tell me to either turn SR on when I start again, or to NO SR sew. That way i don't have a lot of frog dancing to do because I did or didn't do the right thing part way thru a project.

I too use my SR most of the time, but sometimes not. Even though I usually do, I sometimes forget to turn it on, unless I have that brilliant colored note there.

It also helps to stay organized.. Find a handy place for the things you use most often, then find a way to store them there.. threads.. I'm having a booger of a time with.. would like brands, types then colors in groups.. but it just isn't working well for getting to what I want or need to try, and get put back.. may give up and just go by weight and color, irregardless of brand type. I'm about out of room for any more storage unit in my wee quilting room...


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Thanks Rita,

'splains a lot and makes sense about SR and no SR. I'll try it when I get to practicing again.

I'm organizing threads and stuff today so I can relate getting organized. That's also a good tip!

But staying that way - I wish!

Short term memory - oh boy, I'm sure so many can relate to walking out of the quilting area and totally forgetting why you walked out. Oh well, go back in and quilt away! It'll either come back into memory or it wasn't worth remembering (unless it's feeing the dog!)

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