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Just a little tweeking and WOW!

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I decided that my machine need a little adjustment and was kind of afraid to do it cause it really wasn't bad. I had talked to Amy and she mentioned that the encoder wheels should be really snug against the wheel. OK well I checked that one out and sure enough they weren't. Checked the level of my table and just ever so slightly was off on the back side in the middle, tweeked it slightly and that was good. Then really took a close look at my wheels and noticed that the one on the back right side had some drag to it. So prayed and adjusted the wheel opposite in front just ever so slightly and the drag was gone and the encoder wheel was tighter not really tight but a lot better.

Then I had read Joanna Hoffman's post about cleaning the rails with WD-40. Decided if she did it, it couldn't be bad, so I did it. WOW, between the slight tweeking and the WD-40 I can do pantos with one finger.

The moral of this story is: Don't be afraid to try that minor adjustment you might be really suprised. I was.

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