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Help Please - My Baby's Sick


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I've had Tillie (my Millie) since December of last year and she hasn't given me a bit of trouble - until now - and wouldn't you know it the office is closed and I've got a quilt loaded that I have to finish this weekend - Murphy's Law, right.

I'm going to try and attach two pictures of what's wrong. First of all my thread cutter jammed and broke my needle. I took everything apart, cleaned it all well, but when I engage the thread cutter it jams on the far left hand side of the machine, then when I manually push it back, it only goes back as far as the middle of the throat. I've tried unplugging the machine, turning it on and off numerous times but that doesn't help.

Just after this happened, my laser stopped working. I have no idea if this is a completely unrelated issue or if somehow they are connected. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what I can try.

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I can't help with your whole question, but looking at the thread cutter's position in the first pic - it is supposed to be under the tiny rectangle held on by the tiny brass screws. There is another such piece under the one you see and they are separated by a couple of little washers so the cutter slides between them. As to the other odd position .... sorry, that I do not recognise.

Be of good cheer. It probably is not serious, and someone else will probably be able to give more help.

Sylvia ( Alberta)

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Sylvia, you helped me more than you know. I adjusted the little square cutter so the big cutter would go in between as you said it should and my thread cutter is now unjammed!

One problem down, one to go.

Is it common for the laser lights to go? All of a sudden it just got really dim - you can't see it at all with the cover on it and can barely see it with the cover off.

Thanks Sylvia for your help.

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Hi Irene,

Dennis my engineer DH says---

First check that the black box (the transformer for the laser) is plugged in all the way. If the laser is still dim, unplug from the machine and plug the transformer into a wall outlet. If it is still dim, the transformer is bad.

If the laser brightens when plugged into the wall outlet, there may be a loose cable or the transformer plug needs to be finagled a little--pull apart the prongs slightly or push together slightly as they are not fully connecting to the machine.

I hope this may help--I am only the messenger!

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Thanks Linda - I've already unplugged it several times, but I'll go right now and plug it in to a wall socket and see what happens.

Thanks - and thanks to DH too!

Edited to add: Just plugged it into the wall and it's still dim so I guess I'll have to call APQS Monday morning and see if they can send me another one under warranty.

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